Mon. May 20th, 2024

Which types of investing are there?

Do you want to start investing your money but are feeling overwhelmed by all the different options? Don’t worry – it’s natural. Many people find investment overwhelming and intimidating, especially those new to finance. Luckily, with some research, it soon becomes clear that many types of investments in AU are available, with distinct advantages and disadvantages.

In this article, we will explore some of the most popular types of investments today so that you can make an informed decision that suits your lifestyle and financial goals. So read on for a complete guide to various kinds of investments.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have revolutionised how people invest in the stock market. ETFs allow investors to diversify their portfolios without having to buy several stocks. ETFs are baskets of assets, such as stocks, commodities, or bonds, tracked by an index. Because they are listed on a stock exchange, they can be bought and sold just like any other securities, providing investors with more liquidity than traditional mutual funds, where you must wait until the end of the trading day for any activity to occur.

This ease of use also makes it easy for investors to stay agile with their investments; ETFs pride themselves on being able to turn quickly and respond to rapid market changes, amplify returns, and lower risk in mature markets. Whether you’re a new investor looking for an introduction to the stock market or a seasoned one looking for larger yields with low fees, exchange-traded funds provide a unique opportunity to obtain the best possible return on your investment.

Mutual funds

Mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool together the money of various investors to purchase a selection of securities. These investments can contain stocks, bonds, and other investment instruments with varying levels of risk and return. Because mutual funds typically have professional managers who have access to sophisticated investment analysis tools, they offer diversification benefits not available when investing in individual stocks alone.

Mutual funds are less volatile than investing in a single stock since the investment is diversified across many different securities. Additionally, many mutual funds offer an array of investment options for investors with different risk profiles and financial goals, making them ideal investments for those new to investing or who don’t have much investment experience.


Regarding investment, stocks are some of the most commonly used investment tools. Stocks represent fractional ownership in a company and are traded on stock exchanges such as the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). As an investor, you can buy shares of stocks that you believe will appreciate over time.

The advantage of stocks is that they have the potential to generate higher returns than other investment options. However, this also means that stocks are inherently more volatile and riskier investments than other investment tools such as ETFs or mutual funds. While investing in stocks can be lucrative, it’s essential to understand the risks associated with the stock investment before committing your hard-earned money.


Bonds are debt investment instruments where you lend money to a government or corporation. In exchange for the investment, the borrower pays interest payments until maturity, when the original investment is repaid in full.

Bonds offer investors steady and predictable returns with relatively low risk, as they are considered one of the safest investment options. They also provide some investment diversification as the investment is not tied to the performance of any single stock or sector. Additionally, bonds are more tax-efficient than other investment options as no capital gains tax applies when bonds mature, and you receive your investment back.

Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are investment funds or companies that own and manage portfolios of real estate properties. REITs pool the investment capital of many different investors to acquire, develop and operate income-producing real estate.

The advantage of investing in a REIT is that it provides access to diversified real estate investment opportunities with relatively low risk and minimal investment capital. Additionally, REITs can generate steady income streams over time as they pay dividends to their shareholders. Investing in a REIT also offers investors tax benefits such as deductions for the depreciation of investment property and other investment expenses.

Cash investment

Cash investment is an investment tool that involves investing in low-risk investment products such as deposits and certificates of deposit. These investment options often provide investors with steady returns, but the return on investment (ROI) is generally lower than other investment options. 

Cash investments are ideal for investors who want to preserve capital, have limited investment capital and don’t want to take on too much investment risk. Additionally, cash investment products typically have short-term investment horizons, making them ideal for investors looking to access their investment capital quickly or need a liquid investment option.

Alternative investments

Alternative investments fall outside the traditional investment categories of stocks, bonds and cash. Alternative investment options include commodities such as gold and silver, foreign currency exchange (forex) trading, hedge funds, venture capital and private equity.

The advantage of alternative investments is that they offer investors the potential to generate higher returns than traditional investment options. However, these investment options are often more risky and complex than traditional investment vehicles and require high levels of investment capital.