Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Freedom & Safety:  Smart Dog Fences Explained

Ever wish your dog could roam freely in the backyard, but worry they might escape a traditional fence? Smart dog fences, also known as hidden fences, offer the perfect solution.

These innovative systems establish an invisible boundary around your property, keeping your dog safe and secure without the need for a physical fence. But how does a smart dog fence work exactly?

How Smart Dog Fences Work

Smart fences function through a transmitter connected to a buried wire around the perimeter of your yard. The transmitter emits a radio signal that’s picked up by a receiver collar worn by your dog. As your dog approaches the boundary, the collar emits a warning beep – a gentle reminder to turn back. If they venture closer, a mild static correction is delivered.

Now that you know how smart dog fences work, here are the amazing benefits of owning one:

Freedom & Peace of Mind

Traditional fences can restrict a dog’s ability to explore and expend energy. In contrast, smart fences can allow your dog to roam freely within the designated safe area of your yard. This increased exercise and exploration contribute to a happier and less stressed pet.  

Knowing your dog is safely contained within the boundaries established by the smart fence provides you with peace of mind and allows you to relax while your furry friend enjoys their outdoor time.

Aesthetic Appeal

Unlike traditional fences, which can be visually imposing and obstruct views, smart fences are completely hidden underground. This discreet design preserves the natural beauty of your backyard and allows you to maintain an unobstructed view of your outdoor space.

Flexible Pet Fence

Smart fences are not limited by the rigid structure of traditional fences. The buried wire can be easily customised to perfectly fit the unique shape and size of almost any yard. This ensures your entire yard can be transformed into a safe play area for your dog. 

Additionally, most smart fence systems allow for custom off-limit zones within the yard. For example, you can create a safe boundary around a pool area to prevent accidental access by your pet.

Easy Installation & Maintenance

Smart dog fences are easy and quick to install, as you won’t have to deal with bulky posts or panels. Just a thin, flexible wire that easily adapts to your yard’s layout. Maintenance is also minimal, typically involving occasional visual checks of the buried wire to ensure it remains undamaged.

For a safe and hassle-free installation, consider hiring an expert for hidden dog fence professional installation. They have the experience and equipment to quickly and safely set up the dog fence system.

Scalable & Convenient

Are you thinking of expanding and adding more pets to your family? Smart fence systems are designed to be scalable, meaning they can be adjusted to accommodate more pets. Additional receiver collars can be easily programmed to work with the existing system, allowing for the safe containment of multiple dogs. This eliminates the need to modify the fence or create separate enclosures for each pet.


Smart dog fences provide a safe, hidden solution for dog owners seeking freedom for their pets and peace of mind for themselves. Consider a smart fence from Hidden Fence for a customisable and easy-to-install system that can grow alongside your furry family!

Hidden Fence is one of Australia’s leading providers of pet fence solutions. With decades of expertise in pet containment and training, Hidden Fence has been recommended by animal behaviour veterinarians and pet owners alike. Visit their website here to see more of their products and services.