When it comes to a child finishing their pre-primary and moving to grade 1, it is indeed a big step. Grade 1 is like the official beginning of the school, and a child needs to prepare for the 1 grade entrance exam in English language (เตรียม สอบ เข้า ม 1 ภาษา อังกฤษ, which is the term in Thai)
It is just how daunting it is for the child; it is also complex for the parents as they undergo the same stress. Sometimes due to lack of guidance, parents give the wrong guidance to their kids, which could be a big issue. Hence, if you are someone whose child is looking forward to preparing the child for the entrance exams, there are a few factors which need to be kept under consideration, such as
Competition Is Going To Be Tough
Gone are the days when only entrance exams for grade 12th students used to be tough. No one needs to put in tremendous hard work to prepare for the 1 grade entrance exam in English language. Firstly, it is the parents who need to be mentally prepared to understand that there is high competition. Once the parents have come to terms with it, the next is to try and prepare their child for the entrance exam in the best way possible.
Go Beyond The Books
In the previous days, parents used to make their children only focus on bookish knowledge. But today, the world has become advanced, and one needs to make their child go beyond the books to do well. There is no one book fits all solution method which you can use. There will never be one book which will be enough. Also, the interesting part is that it won’t be worth using multiple books as it will be impossible to cover the syllabus from every book. Hence, parents should help their children go out of the box and do more practical studies. When preparing for the 1 grade entrance exam in English, make sure you speak to your child in English regularly so that they become very well-versed with it.
Consistency Is The Key
Making the child study for one day before the exam will never be enough. Hence, you must make sure your child remains consistent with the entire process of studying for the entrance exam. Make your child prepare for the entrance exams much in advance for a good result.