Mon. May 20th, 2024

What are Google Featured Snippets and how to optimize for them?

You sleep one night with a belief that you now have learned it all about Google. The night fades into the first ray of dawn and you wake up with a smile. The coffee arrives and you sit over your favorite chair with phone in hand. You open up the SEO news alongside the first sip from your coffee cup. But then you fail to swallow it. There is this news with another Google update. It keeps on happening. Sometimes you go for, says Digital White Labels, SEO Agency (USA) and sometimes you go look for Best Web Design Service in USA with a dream to get things back on track. These things keep on happening. Google’s Featured Snippet is one such branch of all these changes.

What are Google Featured Snippets? – Guide from an SEO agency!

It is not something new. Google had introduced Featured Snippets back in the year 2014. But then there were rising concerns if people will gather all that they need from the snippets and never visit the website. However, as years grew alongside the picture raised clear. It in fact was driving traffic when used wisely. So what actually are they?

Why featured snippets!

Ever searched Google for something and then found out a small dialogue box on the top that tries to answer your question? That is a featured snippet. But what was the need for it after all?

Sometimes a user needs to know a few basic things that can get concluded within 100-200 words. You would not want to write separate articles for these little things. They usually form a part of some bigger article. For example, suppose you want to know what stance is in Cricket. Chances are that nobody would have written a full-fledged article on what is a stance in cricket. Rather, there could be an article speaking about the basics of Cricket. In that article, there could be somewhere a paragraph about Cricketing Stance. This Google will pick up and show you on the SERP’s top. Why?

It will save you a huge amount of time as you won’t have to open that full article and then look for what you need. This not only provides the user with enough time but the website an opportunity to get some attention it deserves. However, if your website is badly SEO optimized, you won’t get any snippet featured on the top. Says Digital White Labels, SEO Agency (USA) increases the chances of getting a Featured Snippet by many times. It further drives huge traffic.

Types of Featured Snippets?

There are a few basic types of featured snippets that Google provides:

  • A Paragraphed Snippet
  • Snippet featuring a list
  • Video shown in the featured snippet
  • Infographics
  • A Table offering crucial insight in the query posed before Google.

The data says that just by practicing Featured Snippets websites have shown an increased traffic of 31% irrespective of their position in the SERP.

How do you optimize for Featured Snippets?

Now you know why there are featured snippets on Google SERP and how they benefit both the user and the website, it is time to know how you can wield this same tool.

One thing that one must know beforehand is that there is no simple way to get featured on Google. Google does not provide any tool that one has to use to optimize for a featured snippet. Rather, there are ways through which one can ensure the chances of getting a featured snippet. What are these ways through which one can get featured in Google Snippet? And does web design have anything to do with it? Would you need the best Web Design Service in USA to get featured in the snippet?

Ways of Getting Featured in Google Snippets!

Always provide Structured Content

When your Content is structured, it gets easier for Google to understand your content and thus recommend it against a user query. Now! What is structured content?

A Structured Content is something that is written using hierarchy. This means that higher headings reflect the theme of the article and lower heading its fractions. Furthermore, sub-headings must relate to the top-heading. You would not want to use H4 under H3 if it does not relate to it. An SEO agency (USA) can easily guide you through it all.

Understand the Search Intent

When you try understanding the user’s intent, you get an idea of how you should answer it. This way you try to provide clarity and a properly structured article. This helps Google’s A.I. to understand your content and thus suggest it against a user query.

Also, try brainstorming and thinking about what could users ask about a topic generally and how you can provide a concise answer for those queries.

Take an idea from competitor’s featured snippets

This is the easiest way and yet the hardest way to get featured in snippets. How? You’d have a readymade list of what featured snippets are already there in the search engine. But then comes the hardest thing. It’d not be easier to use the competitor’s featured snippet and then surpass it. For this, you’ll have to provide a far better answer to the user against that snippet. Also, your overall website must be better than your competitor’s. If you do not know how to do it, suggests Digital White Labels, an SEO Agency (USA) can easily help you gain this crucial insight.

Use headings as the main guiding point for your featured snippet

If you think that a question has the ability to turn into a short featured snippet, use it as a heading. For example, in the scenario we had put above, you can use ‘What is a cricket stance?’ as your heading. If you can write a whole big article about it then use H1 as your snippet. Or if you have this as a part of some bigger article, try using a lower heading tag. For example, you can use this question as H4. If you have hired an SEO agency (USA), you won’t have to worry about it.

Use lists, graphics, or videos where possible.

Because Google provides snippets of many sorts, you would want to grab the benefit up for taking. Try using a list where you think it will serve best. Try using infographics or general graphics where they can help people in getting an answer. Furthermore, videos too are a great way to enhance your chances of getting featured. Try using clear verbals in the video to help Google get an idea about what the video is. Video as a search platform is going to take over other types of media soon.

However, some experts think that it is going to be a blend of video, text, and other forms of media that is going to reign the future of SEO and the internet.

How can an SEO Agency (USA) help in getting you a FS?

According to Digital White Labels, SEO Agency (USA) holds all the knowledge about the lawns of SEO and the internet. These SEO agencies work according to a plan and know the tiniest of details. You might have to spend a year knowing about the basics of SEO to get started. And yet there is no surety that you’ll get a position on the first SERP. It is a giant job because the competition is brutally high.

Many think that web design impacts a website’s chances of getting a featured snippet. They think that people do require the best Web Design Service (in USA) to get featured. Although web design holds an impact, it does not directly impact the featured snippet. The quality of web design impacts a websites’ ranking, which then impacts a website’s chances of getting featured in snippets. The lower a website’s ranking for a given keyword in SERP, the lower its chances to get a F.S. So you don’t need the best Web Design Service in USA for a snippet, but it will certainly help. Furthermore, if your vision is for long-term stability, always consider the experts in this field.